Northwest contract
Firefighters Association

Furthering the concept of small business, family owned contractors who recognize that the future of their businesses depend on providing excellent, cost effective service to the contracting agencies and their local communities.


Northwest Contract Firefighters' Association is an organization composed of professional, innovative and dynamic wildfire response companies; companies who have repeatedly proven to contracting agencies nationwide the value of

  • Highly trained, experienced, motivated personnel who are familiar with agency standards and guidelines.
  • Equipment that is innovative, well designed and maintained, and owned and operated with the intent of providing the most effective results on wildfire responses.  

The Northwest Contract Firefighters’ Association was formed when contract firefighting was in its infancy.  It was the concept of small business, family owned contractors who recognized that the future of their businesses depended on providing cooperative, effective service to the contracting agencies. 

They recognized that for the contract business to survive, they had to know what the agencies expected of them; they had to get the necessary training and experience to not only conform to the existing agency regulations, but to exceed them in every way possible.  Recognizing that the existing apparatus was not as efficient as it could be our founders worked to improve quality while maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

It is our objective to address the agency requirements in a manner that exceeds expectation as well as is profitable in support of  local communities.

Perhaps our greatest asset is the diversity of experience and expertise of our membership.  We have people who have been in firefighting for many years, as well as those who are just starting out.  It is our goal in this organization to work cooperatively with those who are not as familiar with contract firefighting and help them reach the highest level of excellence as well as better ourselves year to year in order to continue to protect our environment for future generations.